martes, febrero 22, 2005

my journey back to the temple

Today marks the anniversary of my existence. I'm trying to reminisce the past as far as my memory can serve me but as of the moment, my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the present and the future.
The heavens knew already about my foolishness- I escaped the temple and went back to earth to find out something for myself…and what did i found?

Failure. After the nth time it finally hit on me.

Learning comes in the hard way for the intractable.
Now, I'm going home once again to the temple of the goddess. This time with my eyes blindfolded so in case I happened to turn my head, I will not be lured again to go back. May the wind blow the steps that I have taken so I may not retrace my path and may thy humble hands soon touch the doors to the shrine where my father, the high priest, and I both serve.

May the goddess grant thee with everlasting fertility.

This used to be Mother Nature's favorite song… it has now become my lullaby.

Wider than a mile
I'll be crossing you in style

Oh, Dreammaker
You heartbreaker
Wherever you're going
I'm going your way

Two drifters
Off to see the world
I'm not so sure the world
Deserves us

We're after
The same rainbow's end
How come it's just around the bend?
It's always just around the bend.

Best and I (partly) said our goodbyes. Yep, he'll be leaving this Sunday for Malaysia (matutuloy na talaga sya).
Best, I'll see you soon. Promise.

1 comentario:

Lord Zagato dijo...

this really struck a chordae tendinae :-) if it matters now or whenever you may need to hear it, im with you till the end no matter what, incluso si usted encuentre a otro hombre negro :-)