jueves, junio 02, 2005

Single and Fabulous

I watched a Sex and the City's episode, 'They Shoot Single People, Don't They?' I also asked their questions to myself. Questions like, 'is faking it better than being alone?' or are we faking being happy being single?' thinking about them still amuse me. I knew everything wrong about single-blessedness before I entered a relationship and almost everything right about it now that I'm out of it ('almost' kse hindi pa naman masyadong katagalan hehehe).
Maybe God just wanted me to experience the difference of a complicated and a peaceful life so that when I get back to the latter, I will treasure it. (but i'm no hypocrite to say that sometimes i do miss being attached.)

Now I know why you can't have everything, all at the same time. because it makes things complicated for you to enjoy them. I'm learning :b

I'm single and fabulous exclamation point.

1 comentario:

Lord Zagato dijo...

indeed you are! just fabulous ^_^ good luck this school year (although i know you won't need it) hehehe the way you study, mahihiya kahit sinong medstudent ^_^ love y'a!