jueves, marzo 25, 2010

HP currently reads

when i was in the island down south of luzon, i was quite intrigued when i saw my new friend reading the latest novel of Paulo Coelho, The Winner Stands Alone that when i got back here, i decided to drop by Powerbooks to buy myself one. the kind saleslady had such an enthusiasm to give me a preview of each book the same author wrote. it's not hard to tell she's a fan. upon her suggestion, i bought this book, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. i was amused by the way he wrote it. the approach was quite poetic which i believe was appropriate for the subject of the novel which is love. there are a lot of lines that caught me and were my favorites that i would love to share here when i finished reading the book. i think i'm going to get hooked up with coelho. hehe.

i also wanted to mark this date because it's the birth of my new baby. im excited to know every button and every feature he has. he will be the extension of my eyes and my hands. im also excited to take him to places. the adventure will surely be more enjoyable with him around. thanks, lx3, for coming into my life even if you made me broke (arrrrgggghhhh). now i can sing the line 'im broke but im happy...' with justice. hehe.

earlier, the intensity 4ish quake shook the metro. i was in UCC then looking at the menu when it happened. i thought it was just my altered level of consciousness due to lack of sleep (blame that to gray's anatomy series) but after seeing the worried face of the girl on the next table and the commotion of the waiters, i realized what was happening. thank God the quake was not that strong and thank God i wasn't down south because i learned from the news the intensity there was 6.2. i guess i have to sleep now. can't anymore bear to keep my eyes open.


3 comentarios:

wella dijo...

marge, have you read the alchemist by paulo coelho? if not, i can send you an ebook if you want. it's really good..tok me 3 days to read it.

Princess dijo...

hi wella. no i haven't. the one above is the first coelho i have read. sige send me the e book. thanks.

wella dijo...

what's ur email? i'll send it 2 u sometime 2day..